Yearly Archives: 2024

Saints Family Weekly Memo #1


St Clement’s is Where Each One Counts!

  • Monday, September 2 – Labour Day- No School for All
  • Tuesday, September 3 – Professional Activity Day – no school for children
  • Wednesday, September 4 – Welcome back Grade 1-8!! New JK & SK have scheduled visits
  • Thursday, September 5 – Spirit Wear Day- wear blue, yellow or Saints spirit wear.
    • All SK attend and half of the JK
  • Friday, September 6 – All SK attend and the other half of the JK come.

Our classrooms look amazing and lessons are planned. Thank you to all of our educators for their hard work. Thanks to our  Administrative Assistant Mrs Amy Janzen for managing all of the back to school office details! Thank you to Mrs McGivern and Mr Jordan for their awesome efforts making the school ready for our return.

Families should have received a message about their new classroom teacher. If you missed it, do not fret, many staff will be outside on Wednesday September 4 at 8:35 to help you. We want to welcome each and every one of you to St Clement Catholic Elementary School. We are so proud of our amazing school and we cannot wait to see you all.

On the first day of school – you are welcome to bring your child to school and ensure that they connect with their classroom teacher outside. Students will look for their teacher on the blacktop. Teachers will be holding up signs with their names on them. We will have several staff members on hand to help all of the children find their teachers. Just before the 8:50 a.m. bell, students will line up with their teacher, physically distanced. Classes will be led into the school by the teachers, one class at a time. We will review line-up areas, exits/entrances, and general expectations on the first day.

Parents, after the first day of school, we request that parents not go onto the blacktop area. For the safety of all and to avoid congestion, please do not congrats or linger on school property. A reminder that parents are not able to park on school property.

Recess – We will continue to separate students on the yard by “zones” – We will be trying Kindergarten, Grade 1-4 and Grade 5-8. We ask that students do not bring balls and other outdoor equipment to school. This equipment will be provided. All students should dress for indoor and outdoor physical activity every day and keep a pair of indoor running shoes at school.

Agendas for Grades 1-6 will be distributed. We ask that you pay on Cash Online to recover some of the costs. Kindergarten students will be using a communication of learning system. Grades 7 & 8 students are welcome to order agendas through Cash Online.

Allergy Alert & Medical Information – Please do not send your student to school with peanuts or any scented product (including perfume, hairspray, lotion, or sanitizer). We are trying to keep all of our staff and students safe. If you are new to our school or if your child has a new medical condition, please email Mrs Janzen with this information

Lunch Program –  Our lunch program will be starting up again this year! Plans are still being discussed so please stay tuned for more details. We are looking at having New Orleans Wraps & Subs on Monday, Pitas on Tuesday, Lunch Box on Wednesday and Pizza on Fridays.

Catholic School Advisory Council – Please complete the form on School Cash Online if you are interested in joining our Catholic School Advisory Council this year. Our first meeting is scheduled for October 1st at 6 pm.

General back-to-school communication checklist:

  • Complete School Cash Online Registration
  • Check out the School Website
  • Follow us on Twitter – @stclementsaints

Please send to school:

  • Reusable Water Bottle (labelled with name)
  • Clean indoor shoes (labelled with name)
  • For students in Kindergarten and Primary grades, please have a change of clothes labelled in a bag in case of accidents.
  • Any supplies as suggested to enhance what is provided
  • Smile a positive attitude

This is going to be an amazing year of learning, growing, and loving together.

Please mark your calendar with these important dates:

  • Wednesday, September 11th: Opening Assembly
  • Tuesday, September 10th: 2/3, 3/4 & 4/5 go to the Dairy Day at Wellesley Fall Fair
  • Tuesday, September 17th: Meet the Teacher & Open House (4:00 – 5:30 pm)
  • Tuesday, September 17th: Grade 8 Mount Mary Parents Meeting 5:30 pm
  • TBD: Bus Partol Safety Training
  • Friday, September 20th Terry Fox
  • Wednesday, September 25th: Purple Shirt for Rowan’s Law Day
  • Monday, September 30th: Every Child Matters Orange Shirt Day
  • Tuesday, October 1st: 1st CSAC Meeting
  • Monday October 7th: Wednesday October 9 – Grade 8s at Mount Mary
  • Saturday, October 5th: World Teacher’s Day
  • Friday, October 11th: PA Day
  • Monday, October 14th: Thanksgiving – No School
  • Friday, October 18th:  Grade 4 Bible Celebration 2:15 pm in the LLC
  • Monday, October 28th:  Grade 7 Immunizations
  • Thursday, October 31st: Halloween Dance a Thon Fundraiser & Cake Walk

Your Child’s Teacher for September

Welcome back!!!!

We hope you have had a restful summer. We look forward to having the Saints back with us on the first day of school – September 4th (September 3rd is a PD Day).

Our class lists for the 2024 2025 school year will be released on School Cash-On-Line on August 30th. Please call the office if you need assistance registering for School Cash-On-Line.

Family Weekly Memo #40!!

 Where Each One Counts! 

June 24-27

  • Monday, June 24 – Happy Monday! Graduation Day!!
  • Tuesday, June 25- Play Day in the morning. Reports go home
  • Wednesday, June 26–  Hot Lunch Day. 
  • Thursday, June 27- Please wear your spirit wear!! Saints have Talent Show!!
  • Friday, June 28-PD Day. No School for students

Thought for the Week:  Every word & action … no matter how small CAN make a difference! 

Graduation Activity  Reminders:

Monday, June 24th 

  • 5:30-6:30 – Liturgy, Awards, Diplomas and Valedictorian Address – St Clement’s Church
  • 6:30-7:00 Video Reflections (Grads & Family) – School Gym
  • 7:00-9:00 DJ Karaoke, Games, Food & Fun (Grads only) – School Gym

Parent Action Items: 

  • Please review the dress code expectations in the student handbook. We are asking that all shorts are at least 4 inches in length. 
  • Please remember that it is a scent-free school. Please remind your child not to wear perfume or scented products.


Upcoming Events & Important Dates

  • J24 Graduation 5:30 pm
  • J25 Play Day
  • J 27 Last Day for Students
  • J28 PD Day – Last Day for Staff

Called to Belong Prayer

Creating God, out of your great love you created all things.

After the flood, you crafted the rainbow 

and placed it in the sky as a reminder 

that you love everything and everyone you have created.

Yes, each individual colour of the rainbow is beautiful 

but its true beauty is found in the way that the colours are beautiful together.

We are all called to belong and we are most beautiful when we are together.

As human beings, you crafted each of us in unique,

distinctive and wonderful ways.

Some of us identify as 2SLGBTQIA+

No matter how you created us, we are 

all made in your image and likeness.

May all of your children come together 

and hold hands in peace and harmony. 

May we all work together for a world where acceptance, equity, justice and celebration are possible for every person. 

As the love of Jesus on the Cross extended to all people,

by the power of your Holy Spirit 

may we love and embrace everyone in the same way.  


10:55 am Update: All Sports Events are cancelled for this entire week

As you are aware, today marks the beginning of a heat wave in the Region of Waterloo.

For the next two weeks, we will be following the guidelines listed below:

Extreme Heat: Temperature With or Without Humidex

  • Cooler than 35 C: students may remain outside for all regular outside activities.
  • Between 35 & 40 C: students may remain outside for no longer than 20 minute intervals at a time.
  • Hotter than 40 C: students must remain inside.

This means that today’s tournaments and the rest of the week’s interschool events will be cancelled.

Unfortunately, due to the timeline of the end of the year approaching, we will not be able to reschedule 14 tournaments, so there are no make-up dates.

Three Pitch is on for today!!

We have been advised that the boys and the girls three pitch tournament will be happening today.

Please ensure that everyone is well hydrated, and wearing sunscreen and a hat!

Stay cool.


#39 June 17-21 Family Memo

 Where Each One Counts! 

June 17-21

  • Monday, June 17 – Happy Monday! Grade ⅔ & 3 Field Trip (shade & AC available)
    • Junior Three Pitch (may be cancelled due to heat advisory)
  • Tuesday, June 18-Pita Day. D & D at lunch. Wear blue, orange or your favourite jersey day!! 
  • Wednesday, June 19–  Hot Lunch Day. Gr 2 & 3 Minecraft.
  • Thursday, June 20- Please wear your spirit wear!!FDK visit to Steckley Farms! Ultimate Frisbee
  • Friday, June 21-Pizza Day! Grade 4 & 5 Field Trip 10-2. 2:15-3:20 Freaky Friday.

Thought for the Week:  Every word & action … no matter how small CAN make a difference!

Called to Belong Prayer
Creating God, out of your great love you created all things.
After the flood, you crafted the rainbow 
and placed it in the sky as a reminder 
that you love everything and everyone you have created.
Yes, each individual colour of the rainbow is beautiful 
but its true beauty is found in the way that the colours are beautiful together.
We are all called to belong and we are most beautiful when we are together.
As human beings, you crafted each of us in unique,
distinctive and wonderful ways.
Some of us identify as 2SLGBTQIA+
No matter how you created us, we are 
all made in your image and likeness.
May all of your children come together 
and hold hands in peace and harmony. 
May we all work together for a world where acceptance, equity, justice and celebration are possible for every person. 
As the love of Jesus on the Cross extended to all people,
by the power of your Holy Spirit 
may we love and embrace everyone in the same way.  

Graduation Activity  Reminders:

Monday, June 24th 

  • 5:30-6:30 – Liturgy, Awards, Diplomas and Valedictorian Address – St Clement’s Church
  • 6:30-7:00 Video Reflections (Grads & Family) – School Gym
  • 7:00-9:00 DJ Karaoke, Games, Food & Fun (Grads only) – School Gym

Parent Action Items: 

  • Please review the dress code expectations in the student handbook. We are asking that all shorts are at least 4 inches in length. 
  • Please remember that it is a scent-free school. Please remind your child not to wear perfume or scented products.
  • Please consider joining the Cross Country team for a run on Tuesday or Thursday at 11:35.


Upcoming Events & Important Dates

  • J17 Male & Female Junior 3 Pitch
  • J20 Ultimate Frisbee
  • J21 Freaky Friday
  • J24 Graduation 5:30 pm
  • J25 Play Day
  • J 27 Last Day for Students
  • J28 PD Day – Last Day for Staff


Supporting Mathematics at Home Survey

Dear Families,

Schools offer a variety of opportunities for parents to learn more about how to support their children: for example, events related to mathematics may be held at the school (e.g., family math nights); teachers may provide newsletters or communicate with parents through apps or social media; and school or board websites may provide helpful tips about how parents can engage in their child’s mathematics learning outside of school and may even provide links where they can learn more or enjoy math activities together. 

The following brief survey will assist our school district in gathering data about how parents/families feel in terms of being informed about what their children are learning in math, how parents/families feel about supporting their children’s learning in math, and about parental access to math learning resources at home. Thank you in advance for your consideration and participation.

→  This survey will remain open until June 14, 2024.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the collection of this information please contact K-12 Mathematics Coordinator, Board Math Lead, Petra LeDuc at , 519-578-3660 

 Where Each One Counts! 

June 10-14

  • Monday, June 10 – Happy Monday! 
  • Tuesday, June 11-: Pita Day,  D & D at lunch. Good luck to those at Regional Track & Field. 
  • Wednesday, June 12–  Hot Lunch Day. Gr 2 & 3 Minecraft., Libby Barrie presents to FDK-Gr 3
  • Thursday, June 13- Please wear your spirit wear!!  9 am Township Assembly 
  • Friday, June 14-Pizza Day!

Thought for the Week:  

Called to Belong Prayer

Creating God, out of your great love you created all things. After the flood, you crafted the rainbow and placed it in the sky as a reminder that you love everything and everyone you have created.

Yes, each individual colour of the rainbow is beautiful but its true beauty is found in the way that the colours are beautiful together.We are all called to belong and we are most beautiful when we are together.As human beings, you crafted each of us in unique, distinctive and wonderful ways.Some of us identify as 2SLGBTQIA+ No matter how you created us, we are all made in your image and likeness. May all of your children come together and hold hands in peace and harmony. 

May we all work together for a world where acceptance, equity, justice and celebration are possible for every person. As the love of Jesus on the Cross extended to all people, by the power of your Holy Spirit may we love and embrace everyone in the same way.  Amen.

GraduationActivity  Reminders:

Monday, June 24th 

  • 5:30-6:30 – Liturgy, Awards, Diplomas and Valedictorian Address – St Clement’s Church
  • 6:30-7:00 Video Reflections (Grads & Family) – School Gym
  • 7:00-9:00 DJ Karaoke, Games, Food & Fun (Grads only) – School Gym

Parent Action Items: 

  • Please make sure that your have signed up for the new attendance system.
  • Please review the dress code expectations in the student handbook. We are asking that all shorts are at least 4 inches in length. 
  • Please remember that it is a scent-free school. Please remind your child not to wear perfume or scented products.


Upcoming Events & Important Dates

  • J3 Special Olympics
  • J3 12:45 Guest Speaker Anthony Lee – Whole School
  • J4-6 Grade 3 EQAO
  • J5 Cross Country
  • J7 Volunteer Breakfast 8:15-9:00 am
  • J7 Grad Breakfast 9:15-10 am
  • J7 Year End Mass 10:15 am
  • J7 New Kindy Library Visit 11:30 am
  • J11 Regional Track & Field
  • J12 Libby Barrie visiting FDK-Grade 3
  • J13 9 am Dairy Day – Whole School Township Assembly
  • J17 Junior 3 Pitch
  • J20 Ultimate Frisbee
  • J21 Freaky Friday
  • J24 Graduation 5:30 pm
  • J25 Play Day
  • J 27 Last Day for Students
  • J28 PD Day – Last Day for Staff

Cross Country is Postponed for Today

The Cross Country meet scheduled for today is canceled due to weather. The meet has been rescheduled for tomorrow. All details will remain the same.

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